See also: Committees - The Mayor


Councillors are elected for a period of four years, with full council election held every four years. Bye elections can occur between elections if a vacancy occurs.

The Council consists of 18 councillors who cover the 6 wards of Hebden Royd. See ward maps. And see below for list of councillors with the wards they represent. The ward they represent is listed against their individual profile below.

The Chair of the Council is the Town Mayor, elected annually, at the Annual Meeting of the Town Council held in May each year.

The Full Council meets monthly and considers environmental issues planning applications, and general issues.  There is also a meeting for electors known as the Annual Town Meeting.

There are eight committees:  the Climate Emergency & Environment Committee, Community Funding Committee, Joint Neighbourhood Plan Committee, Picture House Committee, Project & Events Committee, Staffing Committee, Strategy & Review Committee and Twinning Committee. Other committees and working parties are set as required by the Council.

Register of Members Interests

Parish and Town Councillors are required by law to register, and keep up to date, certain disclosable pecuniary interests in the Town Council's Register of Members' Interests. This is available for public inspection at Calderdale Council at Halifax Town Hall, Halifax during normal office hours. In addition, the registered information is published on Calderdale Council's website and on the Town Council's website. Use this page to search by Town Council name or individual Councillor name. Each councillors' interests can be found listed against their individual profile below.

Code Of Conduct.

Hebden Royd Town Councillors have all agreed to work within boundaries as outlined in the adopted Code of Conduct.This Code applies to elected Members and voting co-opted Members of the Council in all aspects of their public life.  This means that the Council expects Members to follow this Code when they are conducting the work of the Council, representing the Council on any external organisation, and otherwise acting in their official capacity.  

Photo of Cllr Christine Bampton-Smith

Christine Bampton-Smith

Ward: Caldene Ward

After the election in May I began my 24th year as a Hebden Royd Town Councillor and am now the longest serving member. I have seen considerable changes over the years in the role played by the Council and in the personalities who have made a contribution to the community through service with the Council.

My most challenging year was 2002-2003 when I was honoured by being selected as Mayor of the Council. The rewards were enormous in meeting so many people who contribute so much of their time and efforts into improving our wonderful area.

Over the years I have also been involved in the wider Parish and Town Council movement and have represented the Council as South Pennine Branch member and Yorkshire Rural Community Council.

I am committed to bring sustainability to our area. It is vital to keep all our services in our Rural Area.


Member's Declaration of Interest

LogoProfessor Rebecca Boden

Ward: West End

I was first co-opted as Hebden Royd Town Councillor in November 2022 and in May 2023 I was re-elected to represent West End ward.

I have lived in Hebden Bridge for seven years, although I have been visiting the town for more than three decades. What drew me to this place is its vibrant spirit, quirkiness, outstanding beauty, and the warmth of the community. I have not been disappointed.

I moved here as somewhere to make my life after my long career as a university academic (with a five year stint as a tax inspector in between). My last job was as a professor in Tampere University in Finland, but I have worked all across the UK, from Manchester to London, Bristol and Cardiff. But my time in Finland, officially the UN's World's Happiest Country for the last five years, taught me that the job of government, from the national to the local, is quite simply to make everyone's life better. That can be achieved by sound policies, careful and skilled administration, and a culture of caring for and respecting all.

In terms of skills and interests - I've worked at a high level in a number of universities as a leader, I've had a legal and an accountancy training, and my real area of expertise is in researching policies such as education, welfare and tax. At heart, my professional life was about working out how things work, and how to make them to work better.

I joined the council because I simply want to help make Hebden Royd an even better place to live – for everyone. I'm committed to working with everyone here so that we can, collectively, do just that. Please do drop me a line if you think I can help in any way.


Member's Declaration of Interest

Photo of Cllr Karl Boggis

Karl Boggis

Ward: Caldene Ward

I was born in Hebden Bridge moving to Mytholmroyd when I was four years old. I attended Burnley Road School, where I now serve as Chair to the Governing Board, and Calder High School, where I was Deputy Head Boy in my last year. I am perhaps better known for having owned Bridge End Fisheries in Mytholmroyd and for my service to Calder Valley Youth theatre, St Michael's Amateurs and Hebden Bridge Light Opera Society. I am committed to ensuring Mytholmroyd has a voice, in this very active corner of Calderdale, and that every resident of my Ward has fair representation and quality of life.

Having been elected to Council in 2008, it was an honour for me to serve the communities of Hebden Royd as Mayor for the 2013/2014 term of office. I very much enjoyed meeting and working with so many hard-working local groups and attending visits to our twinned towns on the continent.


Member's Declaration of Interest

Keith Butterick

Ward: Cragg Vale

I am a relative recent newcomer to Mytholmroyd moving from one side of Calderdale to the other. I am Halifax born and bred and had the pleasure of being the first ever Labour Councillor for Hipperholme and Lightcliffe and was delighted and proud to become a Councillor for Cragg Vale ward on Hebden Royd Town Council.

I have had a varied working life which I hope and believe will help me make a contribution to the community and Hebden Royd Town Council.

My background is in journalism, starting in local newspapers I specialised in business and financial journalism. I've worked on national newspapers and magazines, edited magazines, won awards and run my own publishing company.

After selling the business, I ran my own public affairs consultancy specialising in community consultation and engagement. I have worked on major infrastructure projects throughout, ensuring affected communities benefit from the projects.

I've been involved with the award winning charity Project Challenge that supports vulnerable young people since I was a Calderdale Councillor, as a Board member. Since retiring from University of Huddersfield where I lectured in Journalism and Public Relations, I have had the privilege to work at Project Challenge as Quality Manager and on 1:1 basis with challenging learners teaching English and maths.

I am the author of two books, 'Introducing Public Relations: Theory and Practice' and 'Complacency and Collusion, A Critical Introduction to Financial and Business Journalism'. A third book, 'Critical Financial Communications' will be published later this year.


Member's Declaration of Interest

LogoJune Cammack

Ward: Cragg Vale

I joined the Town Council following the May 2015 elections and represent Cragg Vale Ward. I sit on the Community Funding and Twinning Committees and represent the Town Council at meetings of the Hebden Bridge Twinning Society.


Member's Declaration of Interest

Christine Davenport

Ward: Cragg Vale

I am the councillor for Cragg Vale and a returning councillor in 2023.

I was the Town Mayor in 2011/12, it was a massive learning curve for me, during the year I was very pleased to be a member of the Picture House Committee which took responsibility for the Picture House as well as being an active member of the Allotment Committee which created High Hirst allotments. I continue to be interested in Town Twinning and to host guests when exchanges take place.

Born in Keighley I have lived in Hebden Bridge for 29 years, I have grown up children and am a grandmother to many with age range of 2 years to 22 years. I'm a cat lover and have 7 cats, most of them are rescued, the oldest being 23. During the Covid-19 pandemic I started researching my family history and have now amassed 1342 ancestor's dating back to the 1400's, I was very surprised to note that many were from Hebden Bridge and Todmorden. I love cooking, and 'Cook with the Mayor' back in 2011 was part of the Hebden Bridge Food Festival - there was something for all ages.

A former business owner, I now just work part time, I also volunteer at the Grub Hub at Hope Baptist in Hebden Bridge. Having been involved in the unsuccessful campaign to support the Whitby Fishing Fleet, I am concerned that our towns of independent shops will be lost to the world of online shopping, it's what makes our small towns unique!

I would describe myself as being down to earth, with the glass neither half full nor half empty, I look at the whole picture whenever possible. Working in the background I like to get my hands dirty, make an impact and then look for the next opportunity to make a difference.


Member's Declaration of Interest

Pat FraserPat Fraser

Ward: Fairfield Ward

I have been a Hebden Royd Town Councillor since 2015 for Fairfield Ward.

Before this I was a Lecturer of Law in Further Education for twenty years. After my retirement I worked as a teaching assistant with children and young people with additional needs.

I have been a member of various committees including Community Funding, the Picture House, Projects and Events, the Twinning Committee, the Strategy and Review Committee and the recently set up ad hoc Cost of Living Committee.

Individually I have represented residents of Fairfield in meetings and communication with the Environment Agency as flooding matters are so important in the Ward.

I am also in touch with the Neighbourhood Team regarding vandalism, graffiti, petty crime and other related matters which affect the local area, and I have also sat on the Board of the Community Association and was also a member of Hebden Bridge Partnership.

I had the great privilege of being the Mayor of Hebden Royd in 2017 during which time I involved myself with many Community Groups and helped raise money for my chosen charity Andy's Man's Club.

Alongside my Council work I am a host working alongside Horton Housing and I provide accommodation and support to young people coming out of care or homelessness for various other reasons.

I am an active member of my local community and I and a group of like-minded friends founded a Book Group which has been running successfully since 2006. I am also a member of a local quiz team and I set quizzes for fundraising events.

On a personal note, I have three grown up children who all live in the Manchester area. I am a Mancunian but Hebden Bridge is my chosen home. I have six grandchildren who visit Hebden Bridge regularly as they love the town as much as I do.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is a matter which you are concerned about within the Fairfield Ward, and I will do my best to help or at the very least listen.


Member's Declaration of Interest

Patsi GuilfoylePatsi Guilfoyle

Ward: Fairfield

I have lived in Hebden Bridge since 2002 and was recently honoured to be elected by the residents of Fairfield ward to represent them on the Town Council.

I have worked for 35 years in the NHS as a nurse and since I became semi retired I have had the opportunity to devote more time to become active in our vibrant town. This was a main aim of retiring after observing how our community came together after the floods in 2015. I have helped clearing up in Hebble End post flood, and helped to complete an application for a legal right of way. I have helped with litter picking and reporting fly tipping in the area. I am also keen to help establish a neighbourhood or residents' organisation in Fairfield, where I have lived since 2013 and I am very enthusiastic about improving the environment and services for residents in the area. I will do my best that I can to provide a voice for any concerns or ideas that people have. Please speak to me or contact me via email. 


Member's Declaration of Interest

Nikki HarveyNikki Harvey

Ward: West End

I am very proud to be a councillor for West End Ward since being newly elected in May 2019. I moved here in 2007 and live with my partner and two young sons. I love living in Hebden Royd and being part of such a vibrant, diverse and inclusive community.

I currently work as a mental health worker with homeless, asylum seekers and refugees for the NHS in Bradford. Prior to that I worked for nearly 10 years with older adults for the NHS in Calderdale. I am extremely proud to work for the NHS and advocate for the needs of some of the most vulnerable people in society. Being in these roles has made me acutely aware of the damaging effects of austerity.

I was a member of the Little Park Friends group that successfully fundraised and campaigned for the renovation of the playground on Victoria Road. I was previously a local fundraiser for Marie Curie charity and was involved in the local Friends of the Earth and Civic Trust groups.

I am proud to have been Chair of Climate Emergency Committee when we completed the Climate Emergency and Biodiversity Action Plan, initiated the High Hirst Woodmeadow Project and worked with Calderdale Council to increase local cycle parking. I am very motivated to continue to work to reduce climate emissions and enhance biodiversity in Hebden Royd.

I love walking the dog and biking round our beautiful valley and will continue to work to improve the quality and safety of routes for walkers and cyclists in Hebden Royd.
I have a history of community and environmental activism and will do all I can to support Hebden Royd being a diverse and compassionate place to live for all its residents. Please get in touch if you live in West End Ward and would like any help or to share ideas. Thankyou.


Member's Declaration of Interest

Rosemary Hedges

Ward: White Lee

My name is Rosemary Hedges and I have lived in the Calder Valley for 40 years, in the village of Luddenden. I worked in NHS mental health services for 37 years as a clinical psychologist and I have a strong interest in the value of public service to the community. I have been involved with local Labour party politics and believe socialism represents all that is best about the human condition. I have three grown up children, two of whom live in the valley, and three grandchildren. I am currently involved as a volunteer in the Calder Food Support Food Bank which is based in St Michaels Church in Mytholmroyd, where I supervise the stock cupboards, which is no easy job! I am keen to become involved with all the Council developments in Hebden Bridge, Mytholmroyd & Cragg Vale and will try very hard to make a difference to our beautiful valley.


Member's Declaration of Interest

David Howes

Ward: West End

I am extremely excited to be newly elected to represent the West End ward of Hebden Bridge, having moved here in 2019, after 19 years in London, with my wife and son.  Hebden Bridge drew us not least for us its vibrant and diverse culture but after living close to the North Circular for a decade, the green and lush valley was a welcome contrast.

I have been working in primary education since 2007, and am currently Deputy Headteacher of Riverside Junior School right in the centre of Hebden.  It's been somewhat of a rollercoaster to say the least, as my hope for a gentle introduction to life in Hebden Royd was swiftly challenged by flooding to the school in February of 2020, and then as we all too readily remember, the pandemic struck in March of the same year.

Running Riverside as a hub school for key worker children and those children deemed vulnerable not just for us, but four other schools in the area, it gave me a crash course in the challenges facing our families in this valley, and perhaps a unique insight to bring to the council as to the consequent fallout since things have supposed to have calmed down, on both children's and adult's mental health.

I am therefore delighted to already be on two committees I know are very important to young people here:  Climate Emergency and Christmas Lights and Events.  We can't underestimate how much our planet's future plays on the mind of young people and already with the work completed by my colleague Councillor Harvey, we are presenting an alternate narrative of positivity to show not just children in our valley, but everyone, what is being done that is helping preserve and protect futures.  I look forward to furthering this momentum over the next four years.

Personally, I enjoy walking with my family, as hitting the heights on a beautiful Spring day offers new perspectives both literal and figurative, and you might also find me in the Fox and Goose, which I'm lucky enough to call my local.

If you can't find me there, then you must get in touch, particularly if you live in the West End ward, if you have any ideas or issues to share.


Member's Declaration of Interest

Jane Hoyle

Ward: Caldene

Jane HoyleI have lived in Mytholmroyd with my husband Kevin for over 40 years. Both sons attended Scout Road School and Calder High School. I have worked in home care, for Age Concern managing several projects and for Bradford Council and the Acorn Centre in Todmorden as Volunteers Manager.

Although I retired as a Church of England Lay Minister at St John's Cragg Vale and St Michael's Mytholmroyd during lockdown, I have applied to the Bishop of Leeds for a license (Permission to Officiate) in the Huddersfield Diocese.  I volunteer for Calder Community Cares and the Mytholmroyd Station Partnership. I represent HRTC on the Mytholmroyd Community Centre Committee.

My hobbies include dancing at A Chance to Dance each week,  going to the gym at Mytholmroyd Community Centre and walking my Westie - Daisy. I have also recently joined the library as I also love to read a good book.

I look forward to the next four years as a Councillor for Caldene Ward, especially to be working with my fellow Ward Councillors Cllr Bampton Smith and Cllr Boggis.
Please don't hesitate to get in touch with me.


Member's Declaration of Interest

Alison Mattias

Ward: Birchcliffe

Awaiting biography


Member's Declaration of Interest

Holly Morse

Ward: Birchcliffe

Awaiting biography


Member's Declaration of Interest


Steve Woodhead  

Ward: White Lee Ward

Awaiting biography


Member's Declaration of Interest

To see Councillors' attendance for the period 2022-23, please see the document below: 

Attendance record for 2023-2024

Attendance record for 2022-2023

Attendance record for 2021-2022

Hebden Royd

Pace Egg

Hebden Royd

Hebden Royd

Hebden Royd

Hebden Royd

Hebden Royd

Hebden Royd