Hebden Bridge Flood Alleviation Scheme

As the EA continues plans for the Hebden Bridge Flood Alleviation Scheme, a public briefing has been published detailing plans for intrusive survey work in June/July (COVID-19 restrictions dependant) across Hebden Bridge as part of the detailed design of the flood alleviation scheme.

Listed Building Consent applications for some of these works have been submitted to Calderdale Council and notices will be posted by the council at these buildings/assets to inform the public.

 Listed Building Applications:

  • Hebble End Bridge
  • St George's Bridge
  • New Rd Bridge
  • Innovation Mill
  • Town Hall

A Scheduled Monument Consent will be also submitted to Historic England for the Old Packhorse Bridge.

Find more information about the proposals for the Hebden Bridge Scheme at www.eyeoncalderdale.com

Added: Monday, 20 April 2020