Hebden Royd Town Council Declare Climate Emergency
Hebden Royd Town Council passed a motion declaring a 'climate emergency' and supports Calderdale Council in assisting Governments to achieve their carbon emission savings.
The motion put forward by Cllr Scott Archer-Patient and seconded by Cllr Stephne Harrison at the meeting of the Full Council on Wednesday 20 March, was in response to the growing concerns within the community following the warning from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
The Mayor of Hebden Royd Cllr Dr Carol Stow said: "I understand that we are the first town council in Yorkshire to pass a climate emergency motion and I'm pleased that HRTC is once again leading the way. It's clear that we must all act now for the future of our children and this planet."

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have warned that we have 12 years to make the necessary changes to limit a rise in global temperatures to 1.5c. Failure to act will see a marked increase in sea levels and flooding, extreme and abrupt changes to weather patterns, crop failures, extinctions of plant, insect and animal species and global economic disruption and crisis.
The increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events (as seen in recent weeks and generally) that we have experienced locally highlight why this is such an important issue for Hebden Royd Town Council to respond to.
Hebden Royd Town Council therefore:
Supports Calderdale Council in its declaration of a "Climate Emergency" and all interventions therein.
- Declares a "Climate Emergency" itself.
- Notes that the Council and Borough are on course to meet their 2020 CO2 reduction target of 40% but despite this we as a Town Council can help contribute small scale interventions to assist even further.
- Notes that our current targets are inadequate to respond to the challenge of keeping global temperature rises below 1.5c.
- Requests that Hebden Royd Town Council set up a Climate Change Committee to respond to this challenge, that meets in public including cross party representation and other local groups.
- Requests that we as a committee work to set a new target and action plan for Hebden Royd Town Council to improve air quality and be carbon neutral.
- Resolves to work with other local authorities and Town Councils as well as environmental groups on carbon reduction projects to ensure the UK can deliver on its climate commitments.
- Calls on the Government and Calderdale to provide the resources and powers so that our Town Council can make its contribution to the UK's Carbon Reduction targets.
- That we build on projects like the Green Screen due to be installed at Burnley Road Academy by encouraging local groups to access funding for environmental and climate change focused projects. This should have a ring-fenced budget for future years.
- That the Council will continue to explore ways to avoid using fossil fuels such as oil, coal and gas and immediately look at switching to renewables
- That the Town Council seek to join the 'Covenant of Mayors', a global network of town and cities who have committed to reducing carbon emissions by 2030. The network enables members to share best practice, ideas, funding and track progress. This simple action will help to raise the profile of this vital issue both locally and nationally and could secure external support and funding from a proposed Government fund.
- That Hebden Royd Town Council encourages other town councils such as Todmorden to considering making such a declaration and our example will help them to do so.
For further information please contact the Town Clerk, Jason Boom on 01422
842181, or e-mail info@hebdenroydtowncouncil.gov.uk
Added: Tuesday, 26 March 2019