Calling local artists and photographers
Calling all creatives! Hebden Bridge Picture House is inviting you to create an eye-catching original image of our beloved cinema to adorn the cover of an upcoming book about the cinema's history.

The book, written by Kate Higham and Ray Barnes from the Friends of the Picture House, will be published this autumn, sharing the cinema's trials and triumphs from when it first opened its doors in 1921 to the present day.
We recognise our community is brimming with creative talent and entrants are invited to work from any medium. Whether you paint, draw, photograph, sew or sculpt we're interested to see your take on the cinema's iconic frontage.
The Brief
- Submit an image of the front of Hebden Bridge Picture House to be used for the book's full colour, front cover.
- The book will be a paperback, and printed in portrait aspect at a size of approximately A5. Please bear in mind your image will be resized to a specified design template (of not more than 21cm high x 15cm wide).
- If submitting by email, the resolution should be at least 300 dpi, at the submitted size. Or if you prefer, you can send in a low-res version for viewing and if you are a finalist, we will contact you to get the high-res version.
- The cover will also contain the book's title, sub title, author's names and the logo(s) of the Friends of the Picture House and Hebden Bridge Picture House too. All of which will be added in house once the image has been chosen.
- Entries must be received by Midday on Monday 19 September 2016. Images received after this date will not be considered.
- All entrants must submit their image by email including your name, address, email address and telephone number. Or deliver/post your submission and contact information to the cinema and addressed to the Manager at Hebden Bridge Picture House, New Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8AD.
- If you prefer to hand deliver your entry, the Manager works at the cinema on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
The Winning Image
- The winner of the competition will have their image on the front cover and will receive acknowledgement in the book and on any promotional materials
- The winner will receive 3 copies of the book
- 1 month's cinema pass for two.
- The winning image will also be used on postcards (with full accreditation) to sell at the cinema to help generate funds for the venue.
Runners Up
There will be 3 runners up. Images submitted by runners up will be printed within the book too, and runners up will receive 1 copy of the book each, and also be considered for postcard image use.
Terms and Conditions
- All images must be your original artwork. We can't accept any designs which have other people's work on them.
- The winning design will be selected by a HBPH panel of judges and the winner notified within a week of the closing date.
- We would share the rights to reproduce the image in the future, but it would be fully credited to you.
- All original artwork will be available for collection / return to the owner after the competition has closed. Please ensure your contact details are included in the submission.
- All entrants must be over 18 and live in the UK.
Added: Wednesday, 10 August 2016