Hebden Royd Town Council SHOWCASE!

Notice is hereby given that the Annual Town Meeting for the Township of Hebden Royd will be held in HEBDEN BRIDGE TOWN HALL, HEBDEN BRIDGE on WEDNESDAY the 4th day of MARCH 2020 at 7.30pm.

The annual town meeting of Hebden Royd Town Council, in association with the HB Partnership & HB Community Association

The business of the meeting will be as follows: -

  1. Welcome from the Mayor of Hebden Royd, Cllr Dr Carol Stow
    The Mayor will explain the arrangements for the Annual Town Meeting.
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Notice of Meeting
  4. Minutes of Annual Town Meeting – 6th March 2019
  5. Town Council Showcase!
    The Town Council plays an increasingly important role in many aspects of life in Hebden Royd. It's committees, and members of those will give brief resumes of their work over the last twelve months.
    Climate Emergency Environment; Allotments & Events; Neighbourhood Plan; Picture House; Twinning Community Funding
    In 2020-21 the Town Council has over £80,000 allocated to support community organisations and good causes. This is an opportunity for you to find out how to apply.
  6. Slow the Flow
    Hear from Slow the Flow about their recent SuDS and NFM Opportunity Mapping pilot study, part funded by HRTC, will be of interest following the floods in February.
  7. 'Talk of the Towns'
    The annual town meeting is an opportunity for discussion, 'Any other Town Business, raised by an elector or otherwise' can be considered. This item is an Open Forum where you can ask a question or suggest some action that needs taking (maximum 2 minutes per speaker). Hebden Royd Town Council and Calderdale MBC councillors will be there to respond. Come along and have your say!

The meeting will conclude with a presentation of the Hebden Bridge Flood Projection Augmented Relief model. The Environment Agency have commissioned an interactive tool to aid community engagement around development of the Hebden Bridge Flood Alleviation Scheme and the likely timescales of the Hebden Bridge scheme across 2020-23.

Dated this the 20th February 2020
Cllr Dr Carol Stow - Town Mayor

Added: Wednesday, 26 February 2020